Hi, I'm

Jonathan Dang

About Me

I am a senior at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) majoring in Computer Science with a minor in Data Science. In my time at WPI, I completed my Interactive Qualifying Project (IQP) in Bejing, China in the Summer of 2019, and a Summer internship at Juniper Networks in 2020. These were great experiences that I got the opportunity to do, and now I am currently finishing up my Major Qualifying Project (MQP) at WPI to fullfill my last graduation requriement. Feel free to check the 'Projects' section of this site for more details about them!

For fun, I enjoy listening to music, playing video games with my friends, and playing tennis if I'm not feeling too lazy ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Fun fact, my favorite emoji is the shrug emoji, and I tend to use it a lot mainly because I just like the design.


  • Programming Languages: Python, C++, Java, C, Kotlin, HTML/CSS, Javascript (Node.js)
  • Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redis, MongoDB
  • Technologies: Git, Docker, Django, Flask, Android, React.js, Ajax, Raspberry Pi
  • Others: Agile Methodology, Scrum


Biomedical Data Pipeline

This is my Major Qualifying Project (MQP) for WPI where I am working in a team of 6 to design a data pipeline web application using Django. The goal of this project was to create a platform to manage and analyze biomedical data for researchers. There are 3 main features of this data pipeline; uploading data, single/cross study selection, and data analysis.

Technologies/Practices Used: Python, Django, MySQL, Celery, Heroku, Agile Methodology, Scrum

Benchmarking Open Source Cloud Databases

This was my internship project at Juniper Networks. The goal of this project was to select a Cloud Database to use in the Control/User Plan Separation project. With the embedded control plane being moved into a Cloud Native Environment, it was necessary for the shared-memory database to be backed by a persistent database in order to ensure recovery of the data. The persistent database selection is critical because the performance of it could impact one of Juniper's services, so the goal was to find a database that would have a minimum impact. My benchmark application was designed to help the Broadband Edge team choose an effective database to use as the persistent database.

Technologies Used: C++, Docker, Redis, PostgreSQL

COLA Search Application

This was my term project for my Software Engineering course where I had to work in a team of 10 to redesign the COLA Search application, an existing web application that provides users alcohol labeling information. The goal of this project was to improve the overall user interface and functionality of the "out of date" application. Working on this project was my first introduction of going through the software development process.

Technologies/Practices Used: Java, JavaFX, MongoDB, Agile Methodology, Scrum

Bose AR Instrument

This was my Hackathon project that I worked on in a team of 5. This project was an Android application that generates drum sounds through the Bose Frame glasses upon detection of a user head movement. The idea was to play a specific drum sound depending on the direction at which the user's head moved in. In order to have the Android app be able to communicate with the Bose Frame glasses, the Bose AR SDK was utilized. This project ended up winning the Bose Award for Best Project that Utilized the Bose AR SDK.

Technologies: Android, Bose AR SDK

IoT Building Automation System Architecture

This was my Interactive Qualifying Project for WPI that I did with Siemens in Beijing, China during the Summer of 2019. I worked in a team of 4 to reccommend a new building automation system architecture for Siemens that uses IoT technology. Being in the age of the Internet, Siemens was looking to use IoT technology to improve their current building automation system. While my team and I did not actually design the system, but we researched various technologies and determined which to use in our reccommended system that we felt would integrate well with Siemens existing technologies.

SASE NERC 2020 Website

WPI was selected to host the 2020 SASE NERC conference and I volunteered to be a part of the committee in charge of setting up the event. My role within the committee was the web-master, and I was in charge of designing the website for the conference. This was a project that I did to help me start learning HTML/CSS, and Javascript. In this project I was not only introduced to designing a website, but also the process of setting up the domain to host the website.

Technologies: HTML/CSS, Javascript (Node.js)

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